- Patrick McDerrmott, joe, 1970. The Sarandons were among those answering the call for the kind of youngsters who trashed 1968 democratic convention. Chris got nothing. His wife, Susan, won the girl whose dealer lover is killed by her father. The Sarandons divorced in 1979.
- James Caan, The Gambler, 1973. When Paramount cheesily announceda 2012 re-make without telling him, scenarist James Toback related the unexpurgated chronology of the original(“from erection to resurrection,” to quote Churchill), revealing how his UK helmer Karel Reisz interviewed Sarandon andf Richard Dreyfuss among others and became the only director in the worldto havethreatened toresign rather than work with Robert De Niro! “As unresponsive to De Niro as Karel had been,” said Toback, “he flipped wildly for Jimmy… who charmed me with great dispatch as well!”
- Louise Fletcher, The Exorcist II: The Heretic, 1976.
Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls: 3