- Ann Richards, Love Letters, 1944. Director William Dieterie selected Richards for Singleton and Scott for her pal, That was before Jennifer Jones cleared her schedule’s decks. Then, she was Singleton, the Australian Richards was Dilly and Scott was seething in a corner somewhere.
- Joan Fontaine, The Affairs of Susan,1944. Scottt tested as Susan in the Rashômonof wedding stories. But, as the credits made clear: “Miss Fontaine’s services obtained by arrangement with David O. Selznick.”
- Jane Greer, The Big Steal, 1949. Liz junked it fast – fearing co-star Robert Mitchum’s marijuana bust would sully her reputation. That was soon enough smeared for being lesbian, when her studio was aghast at – to quote one of her 1951 titles – The Company She Keeps.
- Carolyn Jones, King Creole, 1957. Before Elvis there was… everybody! Marlon Brando, John Cassavetes, Tony Curtis, James Dean, Ben Gazzara, Paul Newman. No wonder Elvis was so keen on the lead role from the book, A Stone for Danny Fisher, by Harold Robbins. Lizabeth was “pegged” to partner most of them. But, finally, Presley, got Jones.
Birth year: 1922Death year: 2015Other name: Casting Calls: 4