About this site



A unique directory of what you never saw on-screen.
The films the stars did NOT make…
The movies that never were…
The most definitive list of casting stories…


Check up on all the films that
your favourite stars never made…
(Marlon Brando bypassed 122 !!)

© Tony Crawley 2008

With a cast of thousands –
well, more than 3,551 stars to click on…

More than 632,900 words of text…
More than 30 years in the making!!

The ultimate in movie trivia…
This is exactly the kindof history
that Hollywood deserves.
Back to front. Upside-down. Inside out,
Full of flashbacks, close-ups, tracking shots.

Providing a fascinating new and often bizarre flip-side perspective on treasured movies… and stars.

A work in progress…
© Tony Crawley 2008

with comments, new items and corrections @