Sarah Harding


  1. January Jones, X-Men: First Class, 2010.    The British Eve won the telepathic Emma Frost, but could not make a deal. Another cool UK blonde, Rosamund Pike (also seen for Moira MacTaggert), entered the frame with  Australia’s auteur-actress Tahyna MacManus – who had been Emma from X-Men Origins: Wolverine, 2008. Harding, a third UK blonde, won three call-backs, Brit director Matthew Vaiughn settled for Mad Men’s TV find  of the hour, 2007-2010.  
  2. Clara Paget, Fast & Furious 6, 2012.    Close, but no cigar – as  Vegh went to Paget in #6. Or, King Kong on wheels, as Rolling Stone’s  Peter Travers called it.  He added that the dialogue was like spoken tweets.  “It’s kickass trash that never pretends to be more. Bonus points for that.”


 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  2