Alistair Sim

  1. Margaret Rutherford,  Passport to Pimlico, 1948,   Roll up, roll up cor the very the first of the famous Ealing comedies. This ine had a  the town councillor trying to make  the London borough of  Pimlico into… an independent state!  Sim passed on being Professor Hatton-Jones  who then became another UK film favourite character star. Rutherford  later put her imprint  on fthe role of Agatha Christie’s crme solving spinster,  Miss Marple.
  2. Joss Ackland, Royal Flash, 1975. Sime most Dick Lester politely turneddown a role in the film with the titular Malcolm McDowell. “I was, still am, enormously flattered,” Sim wrote to director Richard Lester, “that you should want to squeeze a flicker of me into your first Flash.” But it was not “quite a spot” he’d revel. He might, however, appear in a sequel. Lester wouldn’t wait and Sim agreed to a smaller cameo. He died after two more movies.

 Birth year: 1900Death year: 1976Other name: Casting Calls:  2