Brian Grellis

  1. Christopher Farries, Doctor Who #124: Snakedance, TV, 1983.      Third time – unlucky! Grellis had two gigs with Doc4 Tom Baker (#79: Revenge of the Cyberman, 1975; #93: The Invisible Enemy, 1977) but lost The Megaphone Man here opposite Doc5 Peter Davison on planet Manussa. 
  2. Peter Robin Scott, Doctor Who #141: Timelash, TV, 1985.       Grellis, Scott, Alun Armstrong, Prentis Hancock, Tony Osoba, Carl Rigg, Leslie Schofield and Michel Sheard were in the mix for Bruner opposite Doc6 Colin Baker on the planet Karfel, ruled by the usual despot. Grellis had been in three Whovian adventures: #79: Revenege of the Cybermen, 1975; #93: The Invisible Enemy, Peter Davison.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  2