Connie Stevens


  1. Judy Nugent, Sugarfoot, TV, 1959.       Change of Charron on the Wolf  episode when Stevens  sprained her ankle and Nugent took over. “Casting directors liked to put me in westerns,” said Judy.  “I could ride, so I was a natural for them.”  (Sugarfoot is one degree below tenderfoot).
  2. Pamela Tiffin, One, Two, Three, 1960.      Writer-director ikon Billy Wilder first considered Connie – then it was Pam, scared by working with anotherHollywood ikon: James Cagney.But Jimmy had time for Tiffin… and acting advice.“Walk into a room. Plant yourself. Look the other fella in the eye and tell the truth.”
  3. Audrey Hepburn, My Fair Lady, 1964.      An unlikely prospect but Look magazine reported   she was “chagrined” at not winning the lead…   Stevens was under contract to Warner Bros and, therefore, way cheaper than  Hepburn’s $1m.  And nearer to Eliza’s 19 at 26 than Hepburn’s 35.  Yet Head Brother Jack Warner did not see her as the London flower-selleralthough he was  nhinged enough to suggest Rock Hudson for Professor Henry Higgins!!!
  4. Kim Novak, Of Human Bondage, 1964.    More likely. Connie set her heart on following Bette Davis as Mildred in the third film of the W Somesert Maugham story. She was not a big enough name.   Never was.
  5. Sandy Dennis, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966.      Under contract to Warner Bros, she pleaded with bossman Jack Warner to let her move on from bimboes and join the Burtons as Honey. Would have been an enormous stretch for Stevens. But then again, Jack Warner actually preferred Pamela Tiffin…!     The pregnant Dennis had a miscarriage on the set.


 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  5