Eric Feldary

  1. Marvin Miller,  Johnny Angel, 1944.  When  Ray Enright was due  to direct the George Raft thriller, Feldary tested for Gusty Gustafson.  But Edwin L Marin helmed. Who? Exactly. (Well, he mostly made B-Westerns).  The Budapest-born  Feldary met a terrible end  – burnt to death when his gas-heater exploded. 
  2. Larry Parks, Counter-Attack, 1944. Feldary tested for Kirichenko but director Zoltan Korda preferred Parks. The WWII study, like Parks, himself, was buried during McCarthyism… it praised Russias efforts in defeating Nazidom.

 Birth year: 1912Death year: 1968Other name: Casting Calls:  2