Gareth Hunt

  1. James Warwick, Doctor Who #121: Earthshock, 1982.     In Doc5 Peter Davison’s Cybermen encounter, circa 2526, Scott was offered to Colin Baker (to be Doc6 in 1984-1986), Nicholas Ball, Andrew Burt, Lewis Collins, Peter Firth, Del Henney, Martin Jarvis, Tim Pigott-Smith, Patrick Ryecart, Patrick Stewart, David Warner, Simon Williams. Plus Hunt (aka Mike Gambit) from TV’s 1976-1977 New Avengers. And the more successful 1977-1983 Professionals duo: Bodie and Doyle., aka Lewis Collins and Martin Shaw.
  2. Tom Adams, Doctor Who #130: Warriors of The Deep, 1984.    Competing for Commander Vorshak in Doc5 Peter Davison’s finale were 13 of the astonshing army of 203 candidates for just 18 roles in that year’s Lifeforce movie mess: Steven Berkoff, Kenneth Colley, Michael Craigh, Paul Darrow, Anton Diffring, Del Henney, Martin Jarvis, Ian McCulloch, Patrick Mower, Patrick Stewart, David Warner, Simon Williams and Peter Wyngarde. Plus three outsiders: Hunt, Brian Blessed, Peter Gilmore.
  3. Del Henney, Doctor Who #133: Resurrection Of The Daleks, TV, 1984.      Henney, Nicholas Ball, Michael Byrne, Tom Chadbon, Peter Firth, Tim Pigott-Smith, Patrick Ryecart, Patrick Stewart, David Warner… most of the eleven actors up for Colonel Archer in the Doc5 Peter Davison adventure had been Lifeforce contenders. The sf difference being Who was science fiction and Lifeforce was science fart.
  4. Tom Chadbon, Doctor Who #143: The Trial of a Time Lord, TV, 1986.     As the franchise was as much on trial as Doc6 Colin Baker in the season long investigation, 16 actors were flagpoled for Merdeen... Hunt, Tom Adams, Keith Barron, Brian Blessed, Hywel Bennett, Andrew Burt, Kenneth Colley, Peter Gilmore, Michael Gothard, Paul Jerricho, Clive Merrison (BBC Radio’s Sherlock Holmes), Paul Shelley, Anthony Valentine, David Warner, James Warwick. Hunt, from Upstairs, Downstairs, TV, 1974-1975, and The New Avengers, TV, 1976-1977, Whooved once only – as Arak in #74: Planet of the Spiders, 1974, when Doc3 Jon Pertwee passed the baton, or sonic screwdriver, to Doc4 Tom Baker.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  4