Jean-Francois Stevenin

1. – Guy Marchand, Loulou, France, 1980. For yet another wannabe-Cassavetes slice of the obnoxious realisateur Maurice Pialat’s life, the auteur had trouble enough casting himself, aka Loulou. Ditto for André, the husband whose wife Loulou steals. The (weak) singer-actor Alain Souchon was one (weak) idea. German star Bruno Ganza anothger. And the best contender was never hired – Stevenin, Truffaut’s former assistant director.

2. – Gérard Klein, L’Instit, TV, France, 1993-2004. President Mitterrand wanted a series – on air within eight months – to to help counter the rising Front National party. He talked to his brother-in-law, TV star Roger Hanin. He talked to his producer Pierre Grimblat. And he tried to talk Stévenin into playing the supply teacher hero. But Truffaut’s assistant director turned actor (he played a schoolteacher in Truffaut’s L’argent de poche), was impossible to find. Enter: Klein, ex-radio dj and unrecognisably sympathique. (In 1994, Grimblat selected one of Stevenin’s two actor children, Robinson, for the tele-film, L’amour est un jeu d’enfant).




 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  2