John Woodnutt

  1. Laurence Payne, Doctor Who #140: The Two Doctors, TV, 1985.      Director Peter Moffatt shuffled 16 candidates for the dastardly Dastari, genetically experimenting on the Androgum race. Woodnutt, Joss Ackland, Bernard Archard, George Baker, James Bree, Michael Craig, Peter Cushing, Anton Diffring, Neil Hallett, Bernard Hepton, Peter Jeffrey, Freddie Jones, Jeremy Kemp, Clifford Rose, Nigel Stock. The semi-retired Payne won and joined the two (?) Time Lords, Doc2 Patrick Troughton and Doc 6, the short lived Colin Baker for the last of the Sontarans… until they bothered Doc10 David Tennant some 23 years later in #192: The Sontaran Stratgem, 2008.
  2. Denis Carey, Doctor Who #141: Timelash, TV, 1985.        At 61, Woodnutt was up for the rôle that guys hate being up for… The Old Man! His rivals included John Nettleton (56) Leonard Maguire (61), Carey (61) and Arthur Hewlett (78). Woodnut had made three Whoverse visits: #51: Spearhead From Space, 1969; #80: Terror of the Zygons, 1975; and #114: The Keeper of Traken, 1981.

 Birth year: 1924Death year: 2006Other name: Casting Calls:  2