Katrine Schaake

1. – Jennifer O’Neill, Rio Lobo, 1970. “I had a [German] girl chosen,” said Howard Hawks, “and the Guild said she couldn’t come in and work because there were other people that should be first.” And so the ravishing O’Neill tried to be the ideal Hawksian woman in the last Hawks movie. “The less I say about her the better. Jennifer was a great mistake. She worked for about two days and then she thought she was so good she didn’t have to work. She was fighting with her husband, getting a divorce. She acted like a star and she wasn’t any good because she didn’t work. She could have been… But she just couldn’t take any direction of any kind and didn’t want to. She thought she was good, she wanted to do things her way… Oh, there were a whole bunch of gags that we wanted to do.”

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  1