Leonard Sachs

  1. Bernard Archard, Doctor Who #82: Pyramid of Mars, TV, 1975.         Change of Marcus Scarman when Doc4 Tom Baker landed at the UNIT site… but in 1911. Sachs bad been Admiral Gasparad de Coligny in #22: Thr Massacreokf St Barthomolew’s Eve, 1966, and was Lord President Borusa in #123: Arc of Infinity, TV, 1983 – his 131st and penultimate rôle.
  2. Bill Fraser, Doctor Who #110: Meglos, TV, 1980.         Co-writer John Flanagan created General Grugger for Lee Marvin (!) – and was staggered when new producer John Nathan-Taylor chose Fraser, a sitcom clown. Akin to subbing Marvin with Phil Silvers. Some thought was also given to four Z Cars cops – Brian Blessed, James Ellis, Stratford Johns, Frank Windsor – and the Houston brothers, Donald and Glyn. Plus Sachs, Harry Andrews, Bernard Archard, Peter Cushing, Ronald Fraser, Peter Gilmore, TP McKenna, Donald Pleasence, George Sewell, Nigel Stock, John Stratton, Richard Todd and Peter Vaughan… very familiar names on Nathan-Taylor’s casting (dart) board throughout his eclectic and scandalous 80s reign.
  3. Stratford Johns, Doctor Who #117: Four To Doomsday, TV, 1981.         The burly cop went agreed to a total make-overr – as the frog-like Monarch of Urbanka. Sachs, Robert Hardy, Ronald Lacey and Nigel Stock did not!
  4. Philip Latham, Doctor Who #129: The Five Doctors, TV, 1983.          Sachs, Latham and Denis Quilley were in the fame for the nasty Borusa in in the 20th anniversary episode, stuffed full with Daleks, Cybermen, various travelling rugs and six Doctors. Richard Hurndall was Doc 1 William Hartnell also (seen for real in archive footage like the absent Doc4 Tom Baker), plus Docs 2, 3, 5 : Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Peter Davison. “Wonderful chap, all of them,” as Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart would and did say.

 Birth year: 1909Death year: 1990Other name: Casting Calls:  4