Martha Downes Fuller

1. – Mady Correll, Monsieur Verdoux, 1946. The one and only time the maverick US auteur Samuel Fuller met Chaplin was when dining with his first wife at Romanoff’s. Chaplin saw them, or her. He went to their table and spoke to her, only. “My name is Charlie Chaplin. May I sit down? I’m preparing a film about Landru and I’d love you to be it.” Martha was stunned, so Sam replied for her. Or growled. In his usual CAPITALS. “IF SHE DOES A TEST FOR YOU, I’M GOING TO HAVE HER FACE CHANGED!” For Sammy, the best part of the story was Chaplin’s expression… “He didn’t know if I was joking or not!” Chaplin left his number – and a bottle of champagne. Martha later called to refuse. Chaplin’s version of of the French serial killer (guillotined in 19022 for killing eleven women for their money) was a huge flop until, of course, being seen for the great social clasic it is. He wanted Martha for the one woman that his smooth serpent couldn’t bring himself to kill after hearing of her hard life during an almost erotic encounter.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  1