Muriel Angelus

  1. Mary Astor, The Great Lie, 1940. Or   Women of the World when Bette Davis decidedf to play nice for once instead of her close to home bitches (and then, naturally, called it  “one of the few times I played a character basically like myself.” Hah!  The concert pianist Sandra Kovak (“cold and poisonous” said  critic Bosley Crowther) was the harder to fill.  Perfect for Miriam Hopkins but she and Davis had…. issues. Next in line were Sylvia Sidney, Anna Sten and the unknown Brit Muriel Angelus (her UK films and Broadway shows were better than her Hollywood ventures)and  Katherine Locke. But Mary Astor could play piano.    And so the most sublime “character: was… Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1…  perfectly fingered by Astor but actually recorded by Max Rabinovitch.

 Birth year: 1909Death year: 2004Other name: Casting Calls:  1