Yevgeny Yevtushenko

1. –  Stuart Richman, Reds, 1981. Warren Beatty asked his Russian poet pal  to play Trotsky in his Oscar-winning film on the radical US journalist John Reed with  a front row  Moscow seat at the Russian  revolution – he then  tried to import it back home. Although dazzled by Beatty’s incredible sparkling (and sexual) energy Yevtushenko said: “Warren, are you mad? Have you seen photographs of Trotsky?”  No problem, said the director and star. “We’ve got make-up people. Come over.  I’ll pay you good money. We’ll have a wonderful time.”   Zhenia,  as he’s known to pals, backed off.  “My political  situation was a little too shaky.” An unknown TV actor from  the UK cop-art of Z Cars replaced him.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  1