Zoe Wannamaker

  1. Lalla Waard, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, TV, 1980.    Derek Jacobi was the prince.  Claire Bloom was his mother, Patrick Stewart his stepfather. So that left Ophelia…  Director Rodney Bennett wanted the American-in-London actress, Zoe Wannamaker (Sam’s daughter). But Aunty (ie the BBC) intervened. Rapidly. But, tut-tut, sahe is Amerian… This, Mr Bennett, is Shakespeare. Indeed, this was the ongoing  BBC Shakespeares, during 1978-1985.  And so enter: true BritThe Honourable (no less) Sarah Ward, daughter of Lord Bango – and   from Doctor Who.  How more Beeb could you get!  
  2.  Amanda Burton, Peak Practice, TV, 1993-1995.       Wannamaker and Barbara Flynn passed on Dr Beth Glover…. Perhaps feeling – knowing? – that they would not last the full nine year run. Burton next became the BBC’s top pathologist, Dr Sam Ryan, in Silent Witness for eight years… Although co-star Robert Lindsay might disagree, Zoë became the head of the My Family household in 2000 – for eleven years…!

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  2