Helen Haye

  1.  Helen Hayes, Anastasia, 1956.     No, not one of my (in)famous typos… Helen Haye was an India-born British stage-screen actress (and teacher of such pupils as John Gielgud, Charles Laughton). She had been seen in a BBC TV version of the Marcelle Maurette play and the word went forth: Get Helen Haye. The casting director figured this a misprint and (inevitably) hired Helen Hayes (26 years younger)… as the exiled Dowager Empress, refusing to recognise Ingrid Bergman’s mysterious Anna Anderson as the Grand Duchess Anastasia, youngest daughter of the last Russian Tsar… and sole survivor of the 1918 assassination of the principal Imperial Russian royal family. (She wasn’t and later proved to be an imposter called Franziska Schanzkowska).

 Birth year: 1874Death year: 1957Other name: Casting Calls:  1