James Warwick

  1. Paul Shelley, Doctor Who #117: Four To Doomsday, TV, 1981.        Warwick was not persuaded to play the Minister of Persuasion. Nor were Colin Baker, Michaels Cashman and Cochrane, Tom Chadbon, Jack Galloway, Martin Jarvis, Paul Jerricho, Clive Merrison, Martin Potter and Malcolm Tierney. This was Doc5 Peter Davison’s second outing. “And I didn’t know what I was doing!”
  2. Michael Cochrane, Doctor Who #120: Black Orchid, TV, 1982.     Not a rehash of Sophia Loren’s 1958 Hollywood melo, but an adventure (with cricket!) in 1925 England for for Doc5 Peter Davison. In the baker’s dozen list for Lord Cranleigh were Warwick, Cochrane, Nicholas Ball, Michael Cashman, Christopher Cazenove, Keith Drinkel, Peter Firth, Nigel Havers, Paul Jerricho, Martin Potter, Jeff Rawle, Patrick Ryecart – and Simon Williams, invariably a lord or knight.
  3. Nicholas Ball, Lifeforce, 1984.
  4. Peter Firth, Lifeforce, 1984.
  5. Chris Sullivan, Lifeforce, 1984
  6. Eric Deacon, Doctor Who #141: Timelash, TV, 1985.       Director Pennant Roberts shuffled nine potentials for Mykros in the Doc6 Colin Baker adventure. Warwick, Deacon, Tom Chadbon, Michael Cochrane, brothers Christopher and Dominic Guard, Martin Potter (a long way from Fellini), Patrick Ryecart and Paul Shelley.
  7. Tom Chadbon, Doctor Who #143: The Trial of a Time Lord, TV, 1986.       While the franchise was as much on trial as Doc6 Colin Baker in the season -ong investigation, 16 actors were flagpoled for Merdeen... Warwick, Tom Adams, Keith Barron, Brian Blessed, Hywel Bennett, Andrew Burt, Kenneth Colley, Peter Gilmore, Michael Gothard, Gareth Hunt, Paul Jerricho, Clive Merrison, Paul Shelley, Anthony Valentine, David Warner.
  8. Simon Williams, Doctor Who #148: Remembrance of the Daleks, 1988.     Despite the importance of the show – the 25th anniversary season opener – eleven actors passed on Group Captain Gilmore. Warwick, Tom Adams, Nicholas Ball, Tom Chadbon, Michael Cochrane, Lewis Collins, Del Henney, Ian Ogilvy, Tim Pigott-Smith, Neil Stacy, and Simon Ward. Enter: Williams, aka James Bellamy in Upstairs, Downstairs, the Downton Abbey of its day – TV, 1971-1975. Wawick had been Scott in the Cybermen tale, #121: Earthshock, 1982, with Doc Peter Davison
  9. Alfred Lynch, Doctor Who #154: The Curse of Fenric, 1989.     The   was an early thought for Cmmander Millington in the Doc7 Sylvester McCloy adventure.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  9