Michael Treanor

  1. Sean Fox, 3 Ninjas Kick Back, 1994.   Three Karate Kids v Three Stooges…  For some, this is the sequel to3 Ninjas: Knuckle Up, except it was shot and released first making it the sequel to the franchise opener, 3 Ninjas, 1992.   As Rocky, Treanor was 15 back then, oldest of Victor Wong’s three grandkids.  Like  Chad Power, Treanor was also in the first two chapters (his only films); Max Elliopt Slade  was Colt in all  three. Wait there is more… Kick Back was the last film made by the South Korean director Sang-ok Shin (as Simon O Sheen). In 1978,Shin and his wife were kidnapped by the North Korean regime and forced into making  propaganda films for eight years. They escaped while at  the 1986 Vienna Festival.  And yet (another) eight years later, Kick Back was reportedly the favourite movie of a kid named Kim Jong Un, the current North Korean leader!

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  1