Shirley Catlin

  1. Elizabeth Taylor, National Velvet, 1944.  The future British MP and government minister  Baroness Williams was among the numerous potential Velvet Browns.  Including Pat Arno, Alix De Kauffman, Katharine Hepburn and Gene Tierney… who signed a Fox contract when the MGM  film was delayed.  Williams  auditioned in St. Paul, Minnesota: “We were interviewed locally but not taken to California for a screentest. At least, not in my case. ” None of thee other girls matched Taylor’s sheer determination. When told she was too short in her test (directed by Fred Zinnemann!), Liz promised to put on three inches before shooting And she did!  A star is born, agreed the critics. 

 Birth year: 1930Death year: 2021Other name: Baroness Shirley WilliamsCasting Calls:  1