Travis Fimmel

  1. Gustaf Skarsgård, The Vikings, Ireland-Canada, TV, 2013-2020.   Enter: the first Australian Viking wannabe…   He fancied the role of Floki but lost to yet another of Stellan’s actor-sons. Gustaf’s brothers are Alexander, the first 2st Century Tarzan, 2014, and Bill,  the new  Pennywise in the new It, 2016.
  2. John Standen, The Vikings, Ireland-Canada, TV, 2013-2018.     Fimmel also auditioned for Rollo (a famous hero in Norse mythology).  Bad news: he lost, Good news: because the History Channel suits thought him much  better suited to  RagnarLothbrok, the central Viking chief… and farmer, by the way.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Casting Calls:  1