Emma Bunton

  1. Patsy Palmer, EastEnders, TV, 1992-2011. Before joining the Spice Girls group, Bunton tested for Bianca Butcher (née Branning, ex-Jackson) in the ikonic BBC soap.
  2. Lori Petty, Tank Girl, 1995. “I just like the fact that I had something personally to do with the Spice Girls.” director Rachel Talalay told the Den of Geek website. “We had these great open casting calls which were an absolute blast – and that’s where the Spice Girls first met. In London there was a three-hour wait… there were so many people and there was no time. But apparently two or three of the Spice Girls Girls (Emma, Victoria Beckham (then Victoria Adams), Geri Halliwell) were in line next to each other and just said: Oh, fuck this – let’s go make a band!”
  3. Cheryl Freeman, Hercules, 1996.   Bunton was due as Melpomene, The Muse of Tragedy (aka The Long-Haired Muse), when The Spice Girls were up for voicing all four Muses in the Disney toon (stolen with Robin Williams/Aladdin bravura by James Woods as Hades). Freeman was the original Acid Queen when The Who group’s rock opera, Tommy, rocked Broadway in 1993.

 Birth year: Death year: Other name: Usual occupation: SingerCasting Calls:  3